Donate, Adopt and More!

Donate, Adopt and More!

Freedom Center for Wildlife receives no local, state, or federal assistance. Your contributions make a big difference in the lives of our education animals.
How to Help
When Should You Rescue?

When Should You Rescue?

It's often difficult to determine whether a wild animal is in need of help or not. Intervening too soon can be dangerous. Find out what to do.
I Found an Animal
Helping Animals for 15 Years

Helping Animals for 15 Years

Through rehabilitation, education, and research, we strive to increase public knowledge and appreciation toward wildlife conservation.
Who We Are

It’s Almost Summer!

It’s Almost Summer!
It has been a strange spring for us here, and for the animals. One day it’s hot, the next cold. The rain has seemed relentless, and with all the rain comes an increase in mosquitoes. Bad for us, but good for the bats! In between caring for our orphaned and injured patients, we have been trying to keep up with repairs to several enclosures that have been damaged from the weather this year. Rotting wood, washed-out gravel floors, leaking roofs, rusted locks ...

Sharing the Road with Deer in New Jersey

Sharing the Road with Deer in New Jersey
One in 250 New Jersey vehicles would collide with a deer in 2016. This prediction came from a study by State Farm Insurance. One early evening last October, I came upon an injured doe on a suburban road in south Jersey. I pulled over to see what I could do. I called 911. Several others stopped as well. The police arrived. I wish I could say we were able to save that deer, but we could not. I learned a lot that day. And I’d like to share what I discovered. ...

My “Wild” Summer

My “Wild” Summer
When researching wildlife rehab centers to intern at this summer, FCW was definitely not what I had in mind. I imagined being surrounded by a few other interns and volunteers in a big facility, doing mostly grunt work - like cleaning cages, and scooping poop. After spending a summer at FCW, however, I could not imagine working in a bustling environment like that. There were times when being the only intern or volunteer on some days was difficult, like when...

Annual Wellness Examinations in Wildlife

Annual Wellness Examinations in Wildlife
Every year our captive wildlife get an important visit from their veterinarian. Wildlife medicine is very rewarding because it allows us to provide care for an animal that typically doesn’t have someone to advocate for them. Many people have had the privilege of meeting our education ambassadors. These animals were once wild-patients that were deemed non releasable and now live the remainder of their life in captivity. Many of our wildlife education ambass...

A Beaver Story

A Beaver Story
Back in April of 2015, a very pathetic little baby beaver came into Freedom Center. Smaller than a guinea pig, covered in ticks, thin and dehydrated, we were not sure if he was going to survive. He was found on the Rancocas River by people in their boat. After noticing he was being chased by another large beaver, and then realizing that he was in danger and not being chased by a parent, he was scooped up after he attempted to climb in their boat! We knew a...

Domestic Cats Causing Danger to Themselves and Environment

Domestic Cats Causing Danger to Themselves and Environment
  By: Paige Goodstein Thousands of people let their indoor cats freely roam the great outdoors. However, letting your cat outside for some fresh air could have grave impacts on both the environment and your feline. It is important for all cat owners to know these impacts, and what you can do to help. Wildlife Mortality Cats are natural predators. Therefore, instinctively, they prey on other animals. According to studies, the mortality rate of

Become an Awesome Volunteer!

Become an Awesome Volunteer!
Busy days, we all have them, but at Freedom Center for Wildlife these are our busy months! We are into baby season and already the days are full. As the weather gets warmer our workload increases with every baby squirrel, orphaned nestling bird or injured animal brought to the center. There is a lot that goes into caring for our wildlife patients, whether they are with us for a few days or months. It’s more than just making sure they are fed. Depending on ...

Protecting your Pond from Wildlife (while keeping them safe)!

Protecting your Pond from Wildlife (while keeping them safe)!
It’s the time that raccoons and herons wait all year for! Of course, we’re talking about backyard ponds opening back up! As ponds thaw out from winter and the fish become more active again, it’s prime time for birds and raccoons to take the opportunity to go fishing. While we want to respect these animals from a distance, we also want to make sure our ponds remain a safe place for the fish. If you realize fish are disappearing from your pond, you may ha...