Found an Animal?
I have found a wild animal that I think might be hurt or need assistance… Now what?

Very often, especially in the spring and summer when babies are plentiful, the animal is behaving normally for its species and taking it out of its natural habitat will do more harm than good. We can gather information from you and determine if the animal is in need of rescuing before intervening. Please refer to the links below for more information. If it is determined that an animal needs care, we will instruct you as to how to handle and transport the animal to us for your safety and the health of the animal.
Fawns, rabbits, and baby birds are the most difficult animals to keep from being “kidnapped.” Because of their normal behavior, many people think these animals need help and intervene too soon. Mother deer and mother rabbits leave their young alone for most of the day, so not seeing an adult around the baby or the nest does not mean they have been abandoned or need help.
Found a baby mammal? Click here.
In the late spring and early summer, baby birds leave the nest before they can fly, and the parents continue to feed them on the ground while they are learning how to be birds. These babies are called fledglings, and they have all of their feathers, but are smaller than the adults and usually have shorter tails.
Found a baby bird? Click here.

The best things you can do for these animals is to keep children and pets away, and allow the parents to continue to care for their young. Remember, a baby’s best chance for survival is its mother.
Please contact Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge at 856-983-3329 if you find a wild animal you feel is in need of assistance. For bats or beavers, contact Mercer County Wildlife Center at 609-303-0552. Sometimes an animal may appear to be in distress, but may actually be behaving true to its nature. They can help make the determination if it needs to be rescued.
If it is determined that the animal needs help, please keep the animal warm and quiet, and away from children and pets. Do not attempt to give any food or water until a licensed wildlife rehabilitator can determine the extent of the injuries.
Freedom Center for Wildlife is no longer rehabilitating local wildlife. Please contact the wildlife rehabilitation centers listed above. Domestic animals are generally not accepted at wildlife rehabilitation centers. If you find a domestic animal in need of care, please contact your local animal shelter or veterinarian. Some animals may be living in the wild, but are, in fact, domestics that have been “dumped” or have escaped from farms or sanctuaries. These include several species of ducks and geese, domestic rabbits and some turtles. If you are not sure if the animal is domestic, please call with a description and we will help with identification.
To Contact Us:
Phone: (856) 366-4114
E-mail: [email protected]